
Friday, December 30, 2011

What Is It That Your Wife Is Looking For?

Remember the time when you were dating your wife before she became your wife? What you did then you must still do today, your wife wants attention, respect, loyalty, & your TIME. Also you should trust your wife and believe in her, that she will always be by your side when the going get rough. Nevertheless don't forget to pray for the both of  you, at all times and your marriage will last.You must know that the enemy is constantly trying to break up marriages, that is why we must pray to keep a healthy relationship. Do the little things and if she accepts the little things she sure will love & enjoy the big things. A MAN must know that a WOMAN wants to be treated just like we do. Ask yourself the following statement and if you can/can not stand for her to do them then you should/shouldn't do/do not them yourself .

If you don't want her to do it 
1. If your wife was to lie to you can you take it?
2. If your wife were to stay out at all times of the night.
3. If your wife spends more time with her friends &/or family than she does with you.
4. If your wife looks at men in a lustful way.
5. If your wife gets another man number on the side.
6. If she forgot your Birthday, Valentine, Christmas, Important Engagement &/or Anniversary.

If she does it you should do it to
1. Cook you breakfast, lunch, dinner, & a snack
2. Tolerate your friends and family
3. Spends on you like you are a king
4. Treats you with the up-most respect
5. Cater to you like a king
6. Gives you time to relax from a hard day at work
7. Gets along or is civil to your Mother when you know your Mother does not like her
8. Gives you what no other woman can & will do for you

Look over these list and see if you need to change or just need to do better for your lady. I pray this have touch and reached someone, know that it's NEVER  to late to make your marriage work. All you need is prayer, and time for God to work it out for you. Everyone makes mistakes including you so as men we should be able to forgive and press on, besides didn't someone gave you a second chance.

Peace & Love to all,

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